Showing 10–13 of 13 results

Gemfan Hurricane 4937 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)

Gemfan Hurricane 4937 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)
The Gemfan Hurricane 4937 3-Blade Propeller prop is great for precision and control needed for small and medium race tracks or bandos.

Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)

Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)
Gain more power, control, and speed with Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propellers!

GEPRC G2523 2.5” Props Propeller

Summary: GEPRC G2523 2.5 “propeller has been successfully operated in Racing competition and freestyle flight after a plenty of performance

GEPRC G3045 3” Props Propeller

Introduction  GEPRC G3045 3inch propellers have got through a lot of performance optimization and adjustment, Strong runtime performance in the