Showing 13–18 of 18 results

Gemfan Hurricane 4023 Durable Tri-Blade 4″ Prop 4 Pack

A great new option for your T mount or 5mm shafted ultralight/toothpick builds! A special insert allows you to use

Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)

Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propeller (Set of 4)
Gain more power, control, and speed with Gemfan SBANG 4934 3-Blade Propellers!

GEPRC G2523 2.5” Props Propeller

Summary: GEPRC G2523 2.5 “propeller has been successfully operated in Racing competition and freestyle flight after a plenty of performance

GEPRC G3045 3” Props Propeller

Introduction  GEPRC G3045 3inch propellers have got through a lot of performance optimization and adjustment, Strong runtime performance in the

HQProp T2.5X2X3V2S (2CW+2CCW)-Poly Carbonate

Propeller Diameter: 2.5 inch Pitch : 2.5 Blades : 3 Material : Poly Carbonate Weight :1.2g Hub Diameter : 9.8mm

T-Motor PACER Series P49436 Propeller (Set of 4)

T-Motor PACER Series P49436 Propeller (Set of 4)
Introducing... the T-Motor PACER Series P49436 Propellers! Specially designed for freestyle racing for those who like to fly with a Juicy/Sbang style! These props are extremely smooth and durable with a greater grip.